Monday, August 29, 2005

Idyllic Weekend: a Review

We got in a couple of hours ago, having had a quiet, restful weekend on Denman Island. We were in the Provincial Park there - only 10 spots, no services (except the privies, which most of the visitors seemed to regard as Smoking Rooms. Ugh.) We did some cycling, walked the dog in the woods and along the beach, counted stars, read our respective books. I've recently started reading Banana Yoshimoto's stories. They're like an itch that you can't quite reach, but you keep trying to scratch it, because you can't help yourself. R is reading a book called Mimi and Toutou Go Forth, iirc. Considering the giggles I kept hearing from him, I guess I had better read it when he's finished.

When I got up yesterday morning, I heard a loon cry. I pointed it out to R, but he couldn't hear it. This morning I heard it again - then I realized that one loon couldn't possibly make all that noise. Even R could hear it. He went out and had a look. It was indeed an entire choir of loons. Their song was wonderful. It reminded me of that dance that Billy Elliot does in the movie - all leaps and whirls and clumsy landings and total exuberance. Great stuff.

On the subject of stories - all that peace and quiet bore fruit. I came up with two story ideas, which I shall promptly write down in the separate online journal I've created for that sort of thing. Also, it occurred to me that I could create a blog within a blog here, and copy my travel journal into it. That way, if we ever get our laptop, and if I ever figure out how to obtain and use WiFi service, I'll be able to journal as I go, without the intermediate handwriting stage. The travel journal is called "The Amazing Voyages of the Good Land Yacht Turtle." It's at I've also put a link over there. ====>

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